B'Mitzvah celebrations
Kadima celebrates b'mitzvah, the rite of passage ceremony for entering Jewish adulthood, for young people (12+) and adults (all ages). The work process takes two years from start-to-finish and culminates with a ceremony customized for the individual, family, and community. We ask that students be enrolled in Kadima School (both Shabbat and Tuesdays) for a full two years before their b'mitzvah. We also request that the family work with a madricheh who will guide the individual in learning and studying their Torah portion, while preparing them to lead the service. A fully rounded b'mitzvah preparation process with Kadima will look like a two year plan with the student enrolled in Kadima school on Shabbat and Tuesdays as well as the family and adults in the student’s life becoming a part of the Kadima community and engaging in adult learning and services on Saturday morning and Tuesdays as able.