Youth & Family Programs
Our youth and family programs empower individuals to be the Jewish leaders in their own lives and households. We aim to enable young people and their families to understand and celebrate Jewish identity, experience a diversity of Jewish practice and informed living, and foster skill-building in our Jewish community and outside of it.
"I had no idea that this was going to be so deep and so silly at the same exact time. All I thought was that I was going to be sat down for work for like 30 minutes." ~ Keshet participant reflects on Kadima School.
"I had no idea that this was going to be so deep and so silly at the same exact time. All I thought was that I was going to be sat down for work for like 30 minutes." ~ Keshet participant reflects on Kadima School.
Kadima School
With classes for newborns through 7th grade/b’mitzvah, Kadima School includes classes on Shabbat morning for all young people and on Tuesday afternoon for 3rd though 7th grades.
Shabbat morning monthly rhythm:
Tuesday afternoon weekly rhythm:
The above is intended as a general description only. Our calendar has accurate program details for each week, taking into account holidays, special programs, and more.
Located in Columbia City!
See our current health and safety guidelines for covid safety details.
Check out our Youth & Family Programs calendar on our main calendar page for Kadima School 5785 dates & more!
Shabbat morning monthly rhythm:
- 1st Saturdays:
- Shabbat morning services — hybrid
- Kadima School for all classes begins at 10am and ends at 11:55.
- Cohort sessions
- Community lunch is served!
- 2nd Saturdays:
- Kadima School for all classes begins at 10am and ends at 11:55.
- Classes join together for young people-focused services, combining singing, story-telling, questioning, Torah drama, and more!
- Community lunch is served!
- Kadima School for all classes begins at 10am and ends at 11:55.
- 3rd Saturdays:
- Café Kadima — noshing (food!), schmoozing (friends!), and discussion-based learning for adults
- Kadima School for all classes begins at 10am and ends at 11:55.
- Cohort sessions
Tuesday afternoon weekly rhythm:
- Keshet, Ra’am, and Barak (3rd-7th grade) classes begin with Hebrew at 4:45.
- Dinner is served (5:35-5:55).
- Classes continue with Judaic learning until 6:45.
The above is intended as a general description only. Our calendar has accurate program details for each week, taking into account holidays, special programs, and more.
Located in Columbia City!
See our current health and safety guidelines for covid safety details.
Check out our Youth & Family Programs calendar on our main calendar page for Kadima School 5785 dates & more!
Nitzan: Family program for 0-3 year olds & their adultsNitzan serves as a first foray into Jewish learning and community-building for our youngest members and their families. This cohort meets on Shabbat, and features songs, stories, art, movement, and exploration that meets young people exactly where they are to introduce holidays, rituals, Torah stories, identity building, and Jewish community creation.
Adults stay with their young ones for class time. The teacher for Nitzan works hard to create supportive, collaborative relationships with and between families, creating space for adults to connect, share joys and challenges, and feel empowered to become the primary Jewish educators in their young people’s lives. |
Geshem: Pre-K & K | Shemesh: 1st & 2nd gradeThese classes meet during Shabbat School and move through the Jewish year by delving into:
Keshet: 3rd & 4th grade | Ra'am: 5th & 6th grade | Barak: 7th grade/b'mitzvah
These classes meet during both Shabbat School and Tuesday School, deepening their Jewish education by exploring:
- Rite of passage work with a focus on Jewish text, liturgy, identity, and community as part of the Barak b'mitzvah preparation;
- 20th century Jewish history with a focus on antisemitism, Israel/Palestine, and current social justice movements in Barak;
- Hebrew learning focusing on literacy towards deciphering liturgy and text for all students.
Teen Programming: Yekum
We are hard at work re-envisioning our teen programming for 5784 and beyond! When registering for Kadima School or renewing membership, look out for the question about whether you would like to be the first to receive updates about this new program.
Teens interested in working with young children, gaining leadership skills, and staying connected with Kadima School are invited to join us as teaching assistants. We are happy to validate school service learning hours. For more information, reach out to our Director of Youth and Family Learning.
Teens interested in working with young children, gaining leadership skills, and staying connected with Kadima School are invited to join us as teaching assistants. We are happy to validate school service learning hours. For more information, reach out to our Director of Youth and Family Learning.
Youth Program and School Fees
Kadima will not turn away any young person who wants to enroll in Kadima Youth Programs, including Kadima School, our b'mitzvah program, and teen programming. We strongly believe that the progressive Jewish education we offer should be available to all youth and families who wish to participate.
All school families, just like all member households of Kadima, are asked to first determine the Nadiv Lev (lit. generous heart/a sustainable and sustaining gift) giving level that is right for them. Note that the second page of the school registration form includes options to pay upfront, quarterly, or monthly (ending in June). Simply select your preference.
All school families, just like all member households of Kadima, are asked to first determine the Nadiv Lev (lit. generous heart/a sustainable and sustaining gift) giving level that is right for them. Note that the second page of the school registration form includes options to pay upfront, quarterly, or monthly (ending in June). Simply select your preference.
If you are unable to pay full school fees, please still register using the regular membership and school enrollment form. Enter the amounts you are able to pay for Nadiv Lev and school fees when prompted. Our intention is to do our best to meet your financial needs as well as our obligation to pay our teachers and staff and run a robust range of programming.
If you are currently enrolled and find that your financial situation changes so you are no longer able to pay the amount you initially committed, please be in touch with us so we can work together to adjust. |