Board of Directors
Kadima Board Member Job Description
Overall responsibilities of the Board of Directors
1. Guide the overall direction of Kadima
2. Lead in organizational planning and goal-setting
3. Establish and monitor committees that are necessary to implement congregation policies
4. Approve and oversee compliance with annual budgets
5. Oversee fundraising efforts
6. Review and approve contracts, except in routine operational matters
7. Guide the work of the rabbi/education director
8. Manage all aspects of employment regarding the rabbi/education director
Roles and responsibilities of the individual board member
1. Regularly attends board meetings and important related meetings.
2. Serves as committee chair or board liaison for a chosen segment of Kadima’s work. (See examples from 2015)
3. Volunteers for and accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
4. Stays informed about board matters, prepares well for meetings, and reviews
and comments on minutes and reports.
5. Gets to know other board members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
6. Is an active participant in the board’s annual evaluation and planning efforts.
7. Participates in fundraising and/or membership growth work for the organization.
8. Exercises fiduciary responsibility and careful stewardship of the funds with which we have been entrusted
Board President job description
1. Partners with the rabbi/education director and vice president to address organizational issues and achieve Kadima’s mission
2. Provides leadership to the Board of Directors, which sets policy and to which staff are accountable.
3. Develops agenda and chairs board meetings
4. Helps guide and mediate board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
5. Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
6. Plays a leading role in fundraising activities
7. Serves as board point person on personnel matters
8. Leads evaluation of rabbi/education director’s performance and leads employment contract negotiations on behalf of board
9. Guides board in annual evaluation of Kadima’s performance and strategic planning
10.Appoints the chairpersons of committees, in consultation with other board members
11.Along with rabbi/education director, acts as the official public spokesperson for Kadima and liaison to other groups or delegates those roles Vice President job description
1. Performs president’s responsibilities when the president cannot be available
2. Collaborates closely with and reports to the board president
3. Provides leadership to the Board of Directors, who sets policy and to whom staff are accountable.
4. Participates closely with the president to develop and implement fundraising, leadership recruitment and development, and organizational development plans
5. Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the board.
Board Secretary job description
1. Maintains records of the board and ensures effective maintenance of organization's records and archives
2. Keeps minutes of board meetings
3. Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting
4. Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings
5. Ensures record-keeping transparency throughout the organization
Board Treasurer job description
1. Oversees effective stewardship of Kadima finances
2. Presents regular financial reports to board and flags any concerns or issues that bear attention
3. Develops and provides annual budget to the board for members' approval
4. Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures
5. Ensures financial transparency throughout the organization
1. Guide the overall direction of Kadima
2. Lead in organizational planning and goal-setting
3. Establish and monitor committees that are necessary to implement congregation policies
4. Approve and oversee compliance with annual budgets
5. Oversee fundraising efforts
6. Review and approve contracts, except in routine operational matters
7. Guide the work of the rabbi/education director
8. Manage all aspects of employment regarding the rabbi/education director
Roles and responsibilities of the individual board member
1. Regularly attends board meetings and important related meetings.
2. Serves as committee chair or board liaison for a chosen segment of Kadima’s work. (See examples from 2015)
3. Volunteers for and accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
4. Stays informed about board matters, prepares well for meetings, and reviews
and comments on minutes and reports.
5. Gets to know other board members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
6. Is an active participant in the board’s annual evaluation and planning efforts.
7. Participates in fundraising and/or membership growth work for the organization.
8. Exercises fiduciary responsibility and careful stewardship of the funds with which we have been entrusted
Board President job description
1. Partners with the rabbi/education director and vice president to address organizational issues and achieve Kadima’s mission
2. Provides leadership to the Board of Directors, which sets policy and to which staff are accountable.
3. Develops agenda and chairs board meetings
4. Helps guide and mediate board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
5. Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
6. Plays a leading role in fundraising activities
7. Serves as board point person on personnel matters
8. Leads evaluation of rabbi/education director’s performance and leads employment contract negotiations on behalf of board
9. Guides board in annual evaluation of Kadima’s performance and strategic planning
10.Appoints the chairpersons of committees, in consultation with other board members
11.Along with rabbi/education director, acts as the official public spokesperson for Kadima and liaison to other groups or delegates those roles Vice President job description
1. Performs president’s responsibilities when the president cannot be available
2. Collaborates closely with and reports to the board president
3. Provides leadership to the Board of Directors, who sets policy and to whom staff are accountable.
4. Participates closely with the president to develop and implement fundraising, leadership recruitment and development, and organizational development plans
5. Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the board.
Board Secretary job description
1. Maintains records of the board and ensures effective maintenance of organization's records and archives
2. Keeps minutes of board meetings
3. Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting
4. Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings
5. Ensures record-keeping transparency throughout the organization
Board Treasurer job description
1. Oversees effective stewardship of Kadima finances
2. Presents regular financial reports to board and flags any concerns or issues that bear attention
3. Develops and provides annual budget to the board for members' approval
4. Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures
5. Ensures financial transparency throughout the organization
Kadima Bylaws, 2005
Article I. Name, Purpose, Location, Affiliation, and Fiscal Year.
1.1 Name
The official corporate name of this Congregation shall be the Kadima Reconstructionist Congregation.
1.2 Purpose
Kadima is an inclusive participatory community committed to Jewish values, spirituality, learning, and acts of social responsibility. The purpose of this congregation is to establish and maintain educational, religious, civic, charitable, social, and recreational activities that support and enhance our progressive Jewish community, informed by the Reconstructionist perspective on Judaism as an evolving religious civilization in which the revered traditions and values of the past are given modern interpretation and meaning.
In particular, we are committed to:
1.3 Location
The principal office of the Congregation shall be 2366 Eastlake Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98102 or other location as determined by the Board.
1.4 Affiliation
The Congregation shall be affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation and such other organizations as the Board of Directors shall determine.
1.5 Corporate Seal
The Board of Directors may adopt and alter the seal of the Congregation.
1.6 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Congregation ends on June 30 in each year.
1.7 Dissolution and Distribution of Assets
In the event of the dissolution of the Congregation, any and all assets of the Congregation available after the payment of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed in kind or sold expeditiously and the proceeds distributed to the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, or as otherwise determined by the members.
Article II Membership
2.1 Qualification
Any person is eligible to join who subscribes to the purposes of the Congregation and who is: a Jew; a partner or family member of a Jewish member, whether or not they are Jewish; an active participant in the Jewish community; any person who is raising children as Jews.
2.2 Membership and Fee Categories
Categories of membership shall include household membership, supporting membership, youth membership (applicable between ages 13 and 21) and any others that the Board may prescribe. The Board of Directors shall determine the schedule of membership fees.
2.3 Member voting
All matters requiring a vote of members of the congregation shall be approved by the majority of the members voting either in attendance or by mail or email under conditions and within the time limit set by the Board of Directors. Votes submitted by regular mail must be signed by the voting member; email votes must be submitted from an individual, password-protected account. Extraordinary actions, as defined by the Board, require a two-thirds majority.
2.4 Members in good standing
Members shall be in good standing unless delinquent in the performance of membership responsibilities as specified by the Board including, but not limited to, the payment of dues and charges in a timely manner. A member shall be considered delinquent in the payment of dues and charges if they are in arrears by more than 3 months and/or has not made satisfactory arrangements for their payment or reduction with the Executive Director. In making such arrangements, the Executive Director will take sympathetic account of a member’s actual financial difficulties.
All household members in good standing shall enjoy the same powers, rights, and privileges. These include:
2.5 Member Suspension or Removal
A member may be suspended or removed for cause. Applicable causes may include repeated failure to meet financial obligations, conviction of illegal acts, or repeated actions that seriously undermine the principles and purposes of the congregation. Suspension or removal shall require a vote of at least two-thirds of the membership. Prior to such a vote, the member shall be notified by registered letter regarding the cause of the proposed action, invited to be present at a meeting of the Board and be given an opportunity to show cause why s/he should not be suspended or removed. Suspension or removal of a member shall not eliminate such member’s responsibility for dues or debts accrued and payable to the congregation.
Article III Meetings
3.1 Annual Meetings
At least two congregational business meetings shall be held in each calendar year. The spring meeting must occur during second quarter and the winter meeting during the fourth quarter of the calendar year.
3.2 Special Meetings
Special membership meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by a written request of 30% of the members in good standing.
3.3 Meeting Notice
All members shall receive written notification of the time, place, and agenda of all regular and special congregational meetings. The notice shall be circulated at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. An issue may be brought to a vote of the members only if it appears in the circulated notice, although the exact wording of the resolution need not appear in the notice.
3.4 Quorum
A quorum necessary for the transaction of business at each congregational business meeting shall consist of 50% of the members in good standing.
Article IV Board of Directors
4.1 Composition
The corporate affairs of the congregation shall be managed by a Board of Directors [hereafter “Board”] composed of at least seven members. All members shall be elected at large from the congregation and none shall receive any financial or in-kind compensation for service on the Board, except as provided in paragraph 4.5. The Executive Director shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the Board. In consultation with the Executive Director, Education Director and members of Kadima youth groups, the Board shall annually appoint a Youth Liaison. The Youth Liaison shall serve for a single one-year term.
4.2 Election and Tenure
Directors shall be elected by the membership at the regular winter congregational meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Each Director shall be elected for a two-year term, beginning on the first day of January following her/his election. A Director shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. The terms of Directors shall be staggered so that approximately half the Board positions are open at any regular election.
a) President
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the congregation and preside at all meetings of the congregation and of the Board of Directors, except as the members or Board determine.
b) Vice President(s)
The Vice President(s) (there may be between 1 and 3 as the Board may determine) shall have such duties and powers as the Directors shall determine and shall actively assist the President. If the Board establishes multiple vice presidencies, it shall specify which vice president will assume the responsibilities and authority of the President in the event of the President’s incapacity. That same vice president shall serve as the parliamentarian of the Board and the congregation.
c) Secretary
The Board shall record and maintain a record of all proceedings and actions. If the Secretary is absent at any meetings, a substitute shall be chosen.
d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the legal custodian of the Congregation’s funds, securities, and valuable papers and shall keep full and accurate records. Each fiscal year the Treasurer shall report to the Congregation the state of its finances. A preliminary report shall be made at the Spring meeting and a final report issued in a timely manner thereafter. Other financial reports may be issued as appropriate or as directed by the Board.
4.4 Powers and Duties
The Board has the duty and responsibility to operate Kadima as a non-profit religious organization under U.S. Federal and Washington State law. It shall set congregation policy and develop long-range plans after obtaining advice and input as may be needed from the membership.
The Board may delegate particular powers and responsibilities associated with policy implementation to an Executive Director, Rabbi, other administrative staff, or committees as it sees fit.
The Board shall manage affairs of the Congregation including but not limited to:
The Board of Directors shall not cause the Congregation to incur liabilities in excess of the net saleable value of the Congregation’s assets. At any time that the liabilities of the Congregation exceed the net, fair saleable value of its assets, the Board of Directors shall cause the Congregation to increase assets through fund raising or other means, or to reduce liabilities through creditor forgiveness of debt or other means.
4.5 Liability Insurance
Kadima shall maintain directors and officers liability insurance and organizational liability insurance at a level deemed appropriate by the Board.
4.6 Recall of a Director
A Director may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board or recalled by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing. In such cases the vote shall be by secret ballot and must occur at a regular or special congregational meeting. Prior to such a vote, the Director shall be notified by registered letter regarding the cause of the proposed action, invited to be present at the meeting, and be given an opportunity to show cause why s/he should not be recalled.
4.7 Vacancies
Any vacancy on the Board may be filled by the Board. Such appointment shall be for the unexpired term associated with the vacancy.
4.8 Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such places and times as the Board may determine, provided that they be no fewer than nine meetings per year. All Board meetings shall be previously announced and open to all members of the Congregation, except that the Board may convene in closed session to discuss personnel or legal issues.
4.9 Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President at the President’s discretion, and must be called by the President at the request of 25% of the Board of Directors. The request must state the reason and purpose of the meeting. In the event that the President fails to announce a special meeting within 5 days of the request, any other officer may do so. The special meeting shall be open to all members of the congregation, except that the Board of Directors may convene in closed session to discuss personnel or legal issues.
4.10 Quorum and Rules of Order
A quorum for transaction of Board business shall consist of a majority of the Directors (non-voting members excepted), including participation by conference call. Meetings of the Board and of the membership shall be conducted according to Roberts’ Rules of Order, modified as the Board may find necessary for consistency with these Bylaws and any applicable statutes. The Board shall make other rules and regulations consistent with the Bylaws, as it may deem advisable to further the purposes of the congregation and its administration.
4.11 Action by Vote
When a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of the Board of Directors present and voting shall decide any question, unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws. Each Director shall have one vote.
4.12 Action by Writing
Any action required or permitted at any meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting if all the Board members consent to the action in writing and the signed consents are filed with the records of the meeting. Such consents shall be treated for all purposes as a vote at a meeting. For these purposes, electronic mail from an individual password-protected account shall qualify as a signed consent.
Article V Committees
5.1 Functions of Committees
Committees may be formed for the purposes of implementing the policies of the congregation. All committees of the congregation shall be established by, report to, and be responsible to the Board. Committee meetings shall be open to all members of the congregation.
5.2 Standing Committees
The standing committees of the congregation shall include, but not be limited to, Membership, Finance, Fundraising, Education, Tikkun Olam, Ritual & Liturgy, and Mitzvah Corps. Each standing committee shall be chaired by a Director, who shall report committee deliberations and actions to the Board at each regular Board meeting.
5.3 Nominating Committee
Nominations of candidates for election to the Board of Directors shall be compiled and communicated to the Board by a committee of no fewer than three members in good standing. Among these, the chair must be a past President or past Vice President of the Board. Besides the chair, at least one other member of the committee must have served on the Board within the previous five years.
Any member in good standing may make a nomination (including a self-nomination) by written (including email) communication with the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall make all reasonable efforts to assure that no demographic segment or interest group within the congregation is systematically unrepresented in the pool of nominees and shall confirm the willingness of all nominees to serve a full term if elected
Article VI Adoption and Amendments
Adoption or amendment of these Bylaws shall require a three-fourths vote of the Board and ratification, within 45 days, by a member vote as prescribed in paragraph 2.3. Amendments may originate with the Board or with the membership, whereby these votes may occur in either order.
1.1 Name
The official corporate name of this Congregation shall be the Kadima Reconstructionist Congregation.
1.2 Purpose
Kadima is an inclusive participatory community committed to Jewish values, spirituality, learning, and acts of social responsibility. The purpose of this congregation is to establish and maintain educational, religious, civic, charitable, social, and recreational activities that support and enhance our progressive Jewish community, informed by the Reconstructionist perspective on Judaism as an evolving religious civilization in which the revered traditions and values of the past are given modern interpretation and meaning.
In particular, we are committed to:
- Welcoming members from all backgrounds, including inter-faith or multi-cultural families, single, gay or lesbian;
- Blending progressive Jewish secular values with traditional Jewish values;
- Teaching and learning Jewish culture, history, ritual, language and ethics in the context of our progressive values;
- Enhancing members’ relationships with the Sacred through progressive and innovative ritual and liturgy;
- Maintaining and cultivating democratic and participatory internal process;
- Working for social, economic, gender and racial justice;
- Working for the eradication of anti-Semitism and for the right of all Jews to cultural, religious and political freedom;
- Actively advancing gender equality in all aspects of Jewish life;
- The survival of Israel as a Jewish nation based on its pursuit of democracy, pluralism, civil rights, equality and peaceful coexistence;
- Supporting and working for a just peace in the Middle East that includes co-existence of an Israeli state and a Palestinian state.
1.3 Location
The principal office of the Congregation shall be 2366 Eastlake Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98102 or other location as determined by the Board.
1.4 Affiliation
The Congregation shall be affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation and such other organizations as the Board of Directors shall determine.
1.5 Corporate Seal
The Board of Directors may adopt and alter the seal of the Congregation.
1.6 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Congregation ends on June 30 in each year.
1.7 Dissolution and Distribution of Assets
In the event of the dissolution of the Congregation, any and all assets of the Congregation available after the payment of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed in kind or sold expeditiously and the proceeds distributed to the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, or as otherwise determined by the members.
Article II Membership
2.1 Qualification
Any person is eligible to join who subscribes to the purposes of the Congregation and who is: a Jew; a partner or family member of a Jewish member, whether or not they are Jewish; an active participant in the Jewish community; any person who is raising children as Jews.
2.2 Membership and Fee Categories
Categories of membership shall include household membership, supporting membership, youth membership (applicable between ages 13 and 21) and any others that the Board may prescribe. The Board of Directors shall determine the schedule of membership fees.
2.3 Member voting
All matters requiring a vote of members of the congregation shall be approved by the majority of the members voting either in attendance or by mail or email under conditions and within the time limit set by the Board of Directors. Votes submitted by regular mail must be signed by the voting member; email votes must be submitted from an individual, password-protected account. Extraordinary actions, as defined by the Board, require a two-thirds majority.
2.4 Members in good standing
Members shall be in good standing unless delinquent in the performance of membership responsibilities as specified by the Board including, but not limited to, the payment of dues and charges in a timely manner. A member shall be considered delinquent in the payment of dues and charges if they are in arrears by more than 3 months and/or has not made satisfactory arrangements for their payment or reduction with the Executive Director. In making such arrangements, the Executive Director will take sympathetic account of a member’s actual financial difficulties.
All household members in good standing shall enjoy the same powers, rights, and privileges. These include:
- Attendance at all meetings of the Congregation;
- A voice and a vote at all meetings;
- To stand for election to the Board of Directors;
- To serve on any standing committees;
- To participate in all services, activities and programs offered by the Congregation;
- To enroll their children in the Sunday School and Hebrew School, subject to appropriate fees;
- To use resources available from the Congregation for family or personal rituals and/or support; and
- If qualified, to celebrate a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the Congregation.
2.5 Member Suspension or Removal
A member may be suspended or removed for cause. Applicable causes may include repeated failure to meet financial obligations, conviction of illegal acts, or repeated actions that seriously undermine the principles and purposes of the congregation. Suspension or removal shall require a vote of at least two-thirds of the membership. Prior to such a vote, the member shall be notified by registered letter regarding the cause of the proposed action, invited to be present at a meeting of the Board and be given an opportunity to show cause why s/he should not be suspended or removed. Suspension or removal of a member shall not eliminate such member’s responsibility for dues or debts accrued and payable to the congregation.
Article III Meetings
3.1 Annual Meetings
At least two congregational business meetings shall be held in each calendar year. The spring meeting must occur during second quarter and the winter meeting during the fourth quarter of the calendar year.
3.2 Special Meetings
Special membership meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by a written request of 30% of the members in good standing.
3.3 Meeting Notice
All members shall receive written notification of the time, place, and agenda of all regular and special congregational meetings. The notice shall be circulated at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. An issue may be brought to a vote of the members only if it appears in the circulated notice, although the exact wording of the resolution need not appear in the notice.
3.4 Quorum
A quorum necessary for the transaction of business at each congregational business meeting shall consist of 50% of the members in good standing.
Article IV Board of Directors
4.1 Composition
The corporate affairs of the congregation shall be managed by a Board of Directors [hereafter “Board”] composed of at least seven members. All members shall be elected at large from the congregation and none shall receive any financial or in-kind compensation for service on the Board, except as provided in paragraph 4.5. The Executive Director shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the Board. In consultation with the Executive Director, Education Director and members of Kadima youth groups, the Board shall annually appoint a Youth Liaison. The Youth Liaison shall serve for a single one-year term.
4.2 Election and Tenure
Directors shall be elected by the membership at the regular winter congregational meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Each Director shall be elected for a two-year term, beginning on the first day of January following her/his election. A Director shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. The terms of Directors shall be staggered so that approximately half the Board positions are open at any regular election.
- Officers
a) President
The President shall be the chief executive officer of the congregation and preside at all meetings of the congregation and of the Board of Directors, except as the members or Board determine.
b) Vice President(s)
The Vice President(s) (there may be between 1 and 3 as the Board may determine) shall have such duties and powers as the Directors shall determine and shall actively assist the President. If the Board establishes multiple vice presidencies, it shall specify which vice president will assume the responsibilities and authority of the President in the event of the President’s incapacity. That same vice president shall serve as the parliamentarian of the Board and the congregation.
c) Secretary
The Board shall record and maintain a record of all proceedings and actions. If the Secretary is absent at any meetings, a substitute shall be chosen.
d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the legal custodian of the Congregation’s funds, securities, and valuable papers and shall keep full and accurate records. Each fiscal year the Treasurer shall report to the Congregation the state of its finances. A preliminary report shall be made at the Spring meeting and a final report issued in a timely manner thereafter. Other financial reports may be issued as appropriate or as directed by the Board.
4.4 Powers and Duties
The Board has the duty and responsibility to operate Kadima as a non-profit religious organization under U.S. Federal and Washington State law. It shall set congregation policy and develop long-range plans after obtaining advice and input as may be needed from the membership.
The Board may delegate particular powers and responsibilities associated with policy implementation to an Executive Director, Rabbi, other administrative staff, or committees as it sees fit.
The Board shall manage affairs of the Congregation including but not limited to:
- Establishing and monitoring committees that are necessary to implement congregation policies;
- Approving and overseeing compliance with annual budgets;
- Overseeing fundraising efforts;
- Reviewing and approving contracts, except in routine operational matters;
- Guiding the work and evaluating the performance of the Executive Director;
- Controlling the property of the Congregation and being responsible for all the expenditures and disposal of Congregational funds and other property.
The Board of Directors shall not cause the Congregation to incur liabilities in excess of the net saleable value of the Congregation’s assets. At any time that the liabilities of the Congregation exceed the net, fair saleable value of its assets, the Board of Directors shall cause the Congregation to increase assets through fund raising or other means, or to reduce liabilities through creditor forgiveness of debt or other means.
4.5 Liability Insurance
Kadima shall maintain directors and officers liability insurance and organizational liability insurance at a level deemed appropriate by the Board.
4.6 Recall of a Director
A Director may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board or recalled by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing. In such cases the vote shall be by secret ballot and must occur at a regular or special congregational meeting. Prior to such a vote, the Director shall be notified by registered letter regarding the cause of the proposed action, invited to be present at the meeting, and be given an opportunity to show cause why s/he should not be recalled.
4.7 Vacancies
Any vacancy on the Board may be filled by the Board. Such appointment shall be for the unexpired term associated with the vacancy.
4.8 Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such places and times as the Board may determine, provided that they be no fewer than nine meetings per year. All Board meetings shall be previously announced and open to all members of the Congregation, except that the Board may convene in closed session to discuss personnel or legal issues.
4.9 Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President at the President’s discretion, and must be called by the President at the request of 25% of the Board of Directors. The request must state the reason and purpose of the meeting. In the event that the President fails to announce a special meeting within 5 days of the request, any other officer may do so. The special meeting shall be open to all members of the congregation, except that the Board of Directors may convene in closed session to discuss personnel or legal issues.
4.10 Quorum and Rules of Order
A quorum for transaction of Board business shall consist of a majority of the Directors (non-voting members excepted), including participation by conference call. Meetings of the Board and of the membership shall be conducted according to Roberts’ Rules of Order, modified as the Board may find necessary for consistency with these Bylaws and any applicable statutes. The Board shall make other rules and regulations consistent with the Bylaws, as it may deem advisable to further the purposes of the congregation and its administration.
4.11 Action by Vote
When a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of the Board of Directors present and voting shall decide any question, unless otherwise provided by law or these Bylaws. Each Director shall have one vote.
4.12 Action by Writing
Any action required or permitted at any meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting if all the Board members consent to the action in writing and the signed consents are filed with the records of the meeting. Such consents shall be treated for all purposes as a vote at a meeting. For these purposes, electronic mail from an individual password-protected account shall qualify as a signed consent.
Article V Committees
5.1 Functions of Committees
Committees may be formed for the purposes of implementing the policies of the congregation. All committees of the congregation shall be established by, report to, and be responsible to the Board. Committee meetings shall be open to all members of the congregation.
5.2 Standing Committees
The standing committees of the congregation shall include, but not be limited to, Membership, Finance, Fundraising, Education, Tikkun Olam, Ritual & Liturgy, and Mitzvah Corps. Each standing committee shall be chaired by a Director, who shall report committee deliberations and actions to the Board at each regular Board meeting.
5.3 Nominating Committee
Nominations of candidates for election to the Board of Directors shall be compiled and communicated to the Board by a committee of no fewer than three members in good standing. Among these, the chair must be a past President or past Vice President of the Board. Besides the chair, at least one other member of the committee must have served on the Board within the previous five years.
Any member in good standing may make a nomination (including a self-nomination) by written (including email) communication with the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall make all reasonable efforts to assure that no demographic segment or interest group within the congregation is systematically unrepresented in the pool of nominees and shall confirm the willingness of all nominees to serve a full term if elected
Article VI Adoption and Amendments
Adoption or amendment of these Bylaws shall require a three-fourths vote of the Board and ratification, within 45 days, by a member vote as prescribed in paragraph 2.3. Amendments may originate with the Board or with the membership, whereby these votes may occur in either order.
Kadima's Budget
Our organization is committed to providing greater financial transparency with our budget to our members and our community. We want all to be aware of what it takes to fund and operate our growing community.
To view our most recent 990, download the file below.
To view our most recent 990, download the file below.

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To view our 2019 - 2023 budgets in detail, click the button below.