Women's Torah Project... to Womxn's Torah Project - Our History and Future
History of the Women's Torah Project
In 2000 Kadima's Judaic Director suggested that Kadima commission the first Torah ever to be scribed by a woman. That brilliant vision was soon tempered with the discovery that the reason there haven't been any woman-scribed Torahs is because there haven't been any female Torah scribes. Kadima went into the project assuming that one soferet would complete the Torah. For a variety of reasons, Kadima had the opportunity to seek other women who were interested in becoming qualified—a real possibility today because of the door Kadima helped to open. Ultimately, six sofrot (female Torah scribes) who residing in the U.S., Israel, Canada, and Brazil penned the world's first Torah written by women, and seven international artists created the yad, rimonim (crowns), mantle, wimple and clasp, bima (altar) cloth, Kiddush cup, and eytz chayyim (rollers) for the Torah. The Torah was finished in Seattle, Washington, on October 15, 2010, with the help of many hands, hearts, and spirits. Our Torah is the first to literally be sewn together in community. Dozens of people had the opportunity to fill in letters, sew the parchment panels together, and tie the scroll to the rollers. Many others watched or helped the six scribes put the 62 panels in order, under the exultant wings of Shechinah.
Torah, women and stories are central to Jewish life, and to life in Kadima. As a community we have demonstrated our deep commitment to centering them through the audacious realization to have a women's Torah. As we move into the next 40 year chapter of our community, the Women's Torah Project continues to grow and evolve to pass down our shared stories to every generation - l'dor va'dor.
Stories of Womxn's Torah: The Womxn's Torah Project 2.0
We launched Stories of Torah: The Womxn's* Torah Project 2.0 at Kadima's Tikkun Leil Shavuot on Erev Shavuot 5778/2018. The Womxn's Torah Project invites womxn and allies to share stories connecting their deeply rooted sense of self as womxn (or another gender) to their relationship with Torah. The Womxn's Torah Project defines gender as "the deeply rooted sense of self as a [your gender]" and asks that you explore the ways in which your deeply rooted sense of self is connected to Torah and write it down. Folks can submit their Stories of Torah here and arrange to be photographed with our Torah before or after morning services (click here to view our calendar) on the first and second Shabbat of the month. Please visit our Womxn's Torah Project Facebook page to view full length stories, and click on the photos below to meet our WTP participants.
Sharing our Torah
We know that many other congregations and groups will find it meaningful to study, worship, and read from this special Torah. Please contact [email protected] to find out how to bring Kadima's Women's Torah to your community. For more information on the History of the Women's Torah and the Women's Torah Project, see below. To connect with the Women's Torah Project and view our Stories of Torah, please visit our Facebook page.
We know that many other congregations and groups will find it meaningful to study, worship, and read from this special Torah. Please contact [email protected] to find out how to bring Kadima's Women's Torah to your community. For more information on the History of the Women's Torah and the Women's Torah Project, see below. To connect with the Women's Torah Project and view our Stories of Torah, please visit our Facebook page.
For more information about the Women's Torah Project, Stories of Womxn's Torah or pursuing gender equity at Kadima in Jewish living and learning, please contact the Women's Torah Project coordinator, , at [email protected].

The Women's Torah was finished in Seattle, Washington on October 15, 2010, with the help of many hands, hearts, and spirits. It is not only the first Torah written and embellished by an international community of women, it is the first Torah literally sewn together in community. Dozens of people had the opportunity to fill in letters, sew the parchment panels together, and tie the scroll to the rollers. Many others watched or helped the six scribes put the 62 panels in order, under the exultant wings of Shekinah.
The Torah Completed by Women
Together we worked,
Embellished it all,
Together, we wove, many pieces;
Together we joined,
The parchment -- each line,
Accurately, singing its praises;
That moment in time,
His-tory was changed,
By her work, which was honored and cherished;
To set a new stride,
Carried forward by one,
Whose insight was never daunting;
That beautiful sight,
Not fathomed before,
Was ordered by deep emotion;
And witnessed by many,
Like on Mt. Sinai,
Proclaimed -- by the spirit, there, present;
A dream that was high,
We knew its dear meaning,
Much more, than just fulfilling;
With love and affection;
The pinnacle reached:
The contract with G-d -- Unbroken!
So let it be told --
In words very Bold --
The Torah -- Completed -- by Women!
by I. Penn, Oct. 2010
Sisters of the Torah Siyyum Oct 13 – 17, 2010
Seattle, Washington, USA
Read and see more about the WTP and the siyyum:
American Public Media's The Story, Dec 2 (last four minutes of the program)
Women's Torah Video, by Sasha Perry
Rare new Torah made by women debuts Saturday in Seattle, Seattle Times, Oct 15
Creating the first Torah scribed by women, Seattle Time Video, Oct 14
The Women's Torah Project, Seattle Times Photo Gallery, Oct 14
Women Who Write Torah, The Forward, Nov 10
First known Torah written by women to debut in Seattle, King 5,Oct 15
Female scribes finish writing Torah scroll, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), Oct 15
The first Torah commissioned to be scribed entirely by women is read in Seattle, Jewish Women's Archive: This Week in History, Oct 16
CJM's resident scribe takes part in group Torah project in Seattle, JWeekly.com, Oct 21
An Island woman sews a historic mantle for a holy book, Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber, Oct 26
The Women's Torah was finished in Seattle, Washington on October 15, 2010, with the help of many hands, hearts, and spirits. It is not only the first Torah written and embellished by an international community of women, it is the first Torah literally sewn together in community. Dozens of people had the opportunity to fill in letters, sew the parchment panels together, and tie the scroll to the rollers. Many others watched or helped the six scribes put the 62 panels in order, under the exultant wings of Shekinah.
The Torah Completed by Women
Together we worked,
Embellished it all,
Together, we wove, many pieces;
Together we joined,
The parchment -- each line,
Accurately, singing its praises;
That moment in time,
His-tory was changed,
By her work, which was honored and cherished;
To set a new stride,
Carried forward by one,
Whose insight was never daunting;
That beautiful sight,
Not fathomed before,
Was ordered by deep emotion;
And witnessed by many,
Like on Mt. Sinai,
Proclaimed -- by the spirit, there, present;
A dream that was high,
We knew its dear meaning,
Much more, than just fulfilling;
With love and affection;
The pinnacle reached:
The contract with G-d -- Unbroken!
So let it be told --
In words very Bold --
The Torah -- Completed -- by Women!
by I. Penn, Oct. 2010
Sisters of the Torah Siyyum Oct 13 – 17, 2010
Seattle, Washington, USA
Read and see more about the WTP and the siyyum:
American Public Media's The Story, Dec 2 (last four minutes of the program)
Women's Torah Video, by Sasha Perry
Rare new Torah made by women debuts Saturday in Seattle, Seattle Times, Oct 15
Creating the first Torah scribed by women, Seattle Time Video, Oct 14
The Women's Torah Project, Seattle Times Photo Gallery, Oct 14
Women Who Write Torah, The Forward, Nov 10
First known Torah written by women to debut in Seattle, King 5,Oct 15
Female scribes finish writing Torah scroll, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), Oct 15
The first Torah commissioned to be scribed entirely by women is read in Seattle, Jewish Women's Archive: This Week in History, Oct 16
CJM's resident scribe takes part in group Torah project in Seattle, JWeekly.com, Oct 21
An Island woman sews a historic mantle for a holy book, Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber, Oct 26