Chugim Offerings: Spring 2019
Chugim are an integral part of Kadima School. Hebrew for "activities," we use the word chugim to name the time during Kadima School when our young people and adults engage together in elective activities. They provide agency for our members all of all ages in their Jewish learning, journey, and community building - with opportunities to choose their desired topic of learning, or even offer something to lead themselves. Chugim are offered during Shabbat School - the first and third Saturday morning of the month - on a trimester schedule throughout the school year. The Kadima School faculty began leading chugim for young people and their families as part of Shabbat School in the fall of 2017, and since, we have opened the program to the wider Kadima community to participate in together.
These chugim are designed as intergenerational offerings that provide a chance for school families and greater Kadima membership to learn, create, and play together. We invite you to join us!
These chugim are designed as intergenerational offerings that provide a chance for school families and greater Kadima membership to learn, create, and play together. We invite you to join us!
Chugim Offerings:
Timing: Chugim take place during the last hour of Shabbat School: 11am - 12pm on the first and third Saturdays.
Spring 2019 Dates:
Hands On HolidaysIn this chug we will use sensory activities (play dough, water, small figures, costumes, etc.) to explore Jewish holidays. We will move through holidays with our hands and bodies. We will meet in the gym at St. T's, where sensory stations will be set up for young ones and grown ups to move through at their own pace. On sunny days, we'll head to the park to sense our way through holidays outside!
Led by: Kadima teachers Ariel Zaslav & Reed Forrester This chug is open to: Young people in Nitzotz (adult-tot class) & Tal (preschool) and their adults |
Havdallah Ritual ObjectsHow does one say goodbye to Shabbat? And how do we start a new week? With ritual, of course! Together, we can make all the pieces of a ritual that goes back to “ancient times” (according to the Jewish virtual library). We will find ways to use five of our senses to taste, touch, see, hear, and smell our way to the end of Shabbat and the start of a great new week. Expect to get a little messy.
Led by: Kadima teacher Ariel Gross This chug is open to: Young people in Geshem (K & 1st grade) and their adults |
Mini Jew-y Film Festival!Jewish movies! We will watch short clips from Maia's favorite Yiddish films of the 20th Century (many featuring Moishe Oysher!), part of a documentary ("Raise the Roof") about reconstructing the Gwoździec synagogue -- an 18th Century Polish shul, and a mini documentary series by Jewish film-maker and human rights advocate, Jen Marlowe, "One Family in Gaza." Come! Eat popcorn, watch movies, and chat!
Led by: Kadima teacher Maia Brown This chug is open to: Young people in Shemesh (2nd & 3rd grade) and their adults |
The Wise Child Asks:
On the heels of Passover, questions from wise children continue. A few weeks ago, a Tuesday School student asked, "What is the difference between Israel and Palestine? Why is the slash there?", as he read the title and captions to the current photography installation at Madrona Grace (An Act of Seeing by Kadima member Mocha Jean Herrup, whose photo is shown to the left). Another student responded, "They are two different places!" A third chimed in, "Yisrael means God-wrestler!" Then, pizza dinner ended and they rushed off to class. We didn't have time to finish the conversation.
A three-session chug won't be enough time to finish it either, but it's a great place to start. This chug will dig into learning and discussion on current realities in Israel/Palestine, particularly looking at the stories and experiences of Palestinian children and youth leading peaceful protest against the Israeli occupation. It is geared towards young folks but parents and adults are invited to join as guests and listeners. |