Keshet's Tzedakah-raiser Exceeded Goal!
A Gigantic mazel tov to Keshet for exceeding their goal by leaps and bounds and raising...
Thank you so much to all who donated to gender justice. Yasher koach to all!
Thank you so much to all who donated to gender justice. Yasher koach to all!
Help Keshet Raise Funds for GENDER JUSTICE!
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This year, Keshet (Kadima School's 4th & 5th grade class) learned about Jewish concepts of social justice with a focus on tzedakah. We spent a lot of our time planning a fundraising project in support of gender justice. Through a consensus process, Keshet set a goal to fundraise $1,000 dollars to split between two local gender justice organizations: Powerful Voices and the Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network.
The students narrowed it down to these two organizations because they felt it was really important to support people who had multiple experiences of oppression. They decided to split the proceeds between the two organizations because they were really passionate about supporting fellow children and young folks in Powerful Voices and also contributing to the TWOC Solidarity Network because it is a newer group serving a critical community need. Learn more about these organizations and please support our efforts of gender justice and tzedakah! To donate, you can put cash or checks made out to Shelby Handler, Keshet's teacher, in the tzedakah box at Kadima (in the Commons at Madrona Grace). Email Shelby if you need help finding it!
If you wish to pay online, PayPal or Venmo Shelby. (We are using these methods to assure all funds raised go to the chosen organizations, not to transaction fees!) Venmo: @shelby-handler PayPal: [email protected] (to Friends & Family) Please write in the subject line: "Keshet Gender Justice" Thank you! |