Above art by Hannah Hamavid
See our calendar for locations and links
Passover Begins (Night of First Seder is) at 7:26pm PT on Wednesday April 5!
Kadima Annual Community Meetings (multi-access)
Saturday, April 1, 10am - 12pm at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (on-site only)
Sunday, April 2, 1:30pm - 3pm (online only)
Kadima's Board of Directors hosts Kadima members and perspective members in learning about the ins-and-outs of what Kadima is up to, what the board is thinking about, finances, building use, labor justice, programming, and more. Join us!
Make Your Own Kosher Matzah w/ Baker Rosenblum-McConnells (on-site only)
Saturday, April 1, 12-12:45pm at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy's outdoor blacktop
Join to make your own matzah! Learn how and make matzah in community for upcoming seders. We'll bring the oven, the flour, and the water. All you need it yourself, your ancestors (whomever you want to bring), and your openness to learning. You will take home a few pieces of homemade matzah! Can't make it, but want to learn how? Watch this teaching video recorded live in 2022 by the bakers to learn at home or on the go.
Sell Your Hametz with our friends at Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl
Before April 5 at 7am PT
Using this form, participate in the tradition of selling the hametz that might still be in your midst so that during Passover you do not possess any (even the crumbs left in those hard to reach places despite your best cleaning!). Be sure to fill the form out before 7am PT on April 5 so that Hinenu can sell it off for you in one big swoop at 9am PT that day (which is the morning of first seder).
A donation to tzedakah of any amount is welcome to honor this transaction, as is the tradition of some. If you cannot make a donation, one will be made on your behalf. We encourage tzedakah to be sent to the Jews of Color Mishpacha Project. Hinenu is the fiscal sponsor; donations may be made at www.hinenubaltimore.org/donate, please select JOCMP from the dropdown menu.
Match for 2nd Night Seder, Thursday, April 6 with Kadima members!
Seders on Thursday, April 6, evening - times will vary by host
The form for matching is now closed, but if you NEED a place or WANT a guest, text R' David at 206-715-3107 by EOD on Tuesday 4/4.
Let those of us our doors as able to interwoven, inclusive community this Passover. We invite you to participate in strengthening the network of progressive Jews in Seattle by:
Form not best for sending what you need to tell us? Email [email protected] and we will address it there.
Conversion Support Space
Fri, Apr 7, 12n - 1pm on zoom
A space for those interested in or in the process of conversion to Jewishness to learn with and from one another. Hosted by Rabbi David to support your process. Open space available every two months for group processing and learning.
Kadima Community Brunch Seder (hybrid)
Sat, Apr 8, 10am-12:30pm at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy
Kadima’s Passover seder goes “brunch-time” this year as we delve into repair and liberation, honoring the Torah reading for Passover Day 3 (when it falls on Shabbat). In an intergenerational setting (for in every generation…), join Kadima folks of all ages to honor and celebrate the defining narrative of our peoplehood: the Exodus - liberation from the narrow place(s). Discuss the power of repair and liberation with members of Kadima’s extended community, and enjoy the double liberation of Shabbat and Passover. There will be opportunities for large-group and more intimate settings; there will be a sensory-friendly hybrid location as well. Bring a VEGETARIAN potluck lunch item (if you can) without wheat, spelt, barley, oats, and rye (matzah is okay, no matter what it is made of!).
Chadesh Planning Meeting: Intergenerational & Identity-Kin Grief Wisdom (online only)
Sun, Apr 9, 10am - 11:30am
The organizers of our intergenerational and identity-kin connections gatherings will come together to discuss how and when to facilitate a community discussion on grief that includes and honors a multi-generational perspective and aims to connect Kadima folks across Kadima-eras. While the Chadesh Partner team will be leading this meeting, any and all are welcome to join.
Team Yitro Community Care & Mutual Aid Learning & Organizing (online only)
Sun, Apr 9, 2pm - 3:30pm on zoom
Kadima's mutual aid workers and learners meet for our monthly session of learning, connecting, caring, and organizing. Join us - all are welcome to move into this work at any time.
So You're (Wanting to be) Having a Kadima B'Mitzvah (online only)
Tues, Apr 11, 12n - 1:15pm on zoom
A drop in/out space for current and/or prospective b'mitzvah students of all ages - young people, adults, current Kadima members and not-yet-Kadima members. Join R' David and learn from one another with all the questions and experience you bring. You'll get a run down of how Kadima b'mitzvah has worked and currently works and provide input for how it could still evolve as you ask, share, and learn.
Yizkor Memorial Service (online only)
Wed, Apr 12, 6pm - 7pm on zoom
Join R' David and others as we honor those who have died, bring comfort to one another, and mourn together. Come to help us make a minyan and to share your memories of those who have passed. Our Yizkor booklet is found here Yiskor.pdf
All weekly Torah learning sessions will meet as regularly scheduled during Passover:
Weekly Parsha/Torah Portion Study, Tuesdays, 3-3:45pm on zoom
Weekly Mishnah Berakhot (Blessing) Study, Wednesdays, 12-12:45pm on zoom
Weekly Mishneh Torah Laws of Mourning Study, Fridays, 9-9:30am on zoom
all levels of experience and ancestry honored and respected
*all zoom links on our online calendar
Saturday, April 1, 10am - 12pm at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (on-site only)
Sunday, April 2, 1:30pm - 3pm (online only)
Kadima's Board of Directors hosts Kadima members and perspective members in learning about the ins-and-outs of what Kadima is up to, what the board is thinking about, finances, building use, labor justice, programming, and more. Join us!
Make Your Own Kosher Matzah w/ Baker Rosenblum-McConnells (on-site only)
Saturday, April 1, 12-12:45pm at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy's outdoor blacktop
Join to make your own matzah! Learn how and make matzah in community for upcoming seders. We'll bring the oven, the flour, and the water. All you need it yourself, your ancestors (whomever you want to bring), and your openness to learning. You will take home a few pieces of homemade matzah! Can't make it, but want to learn how? Watch this teaching video recorded live in 2022 by the bakers to learn at home or on the go.
Sell Your Hametz with our friends at Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl
Before April 5 at 7am PT
Using this form, participate in the tradition of selling the hametz that might still be in your midst so that during Passover you do not possess any (even the crumbs left in those hard to reach places despite your best cleaning!). Be sure to fill the form out before 7am PT on April 5 so that Hinenu can sell it off for you in one big swoop at 9am PT that day (which is the morning of first seder).
A donation to tzedakah of any amount is welcome to honor this transaction, as is the tradition of some. If you cannot make a donation, one will be made on your behalf. We encourage tzedakah to be sent to the Jews of Color Mishpacha Project. Hinenu is the fiscal sponsor; donations may be made at www.hinenubaltimore.org/donate, please select JOCMP from the dropdown menu.
Match for 2nd Night Seder, Thursday, April 6 with Kadima members!
Seders on Thursday, April 6, evening - times will vary by host
The form for matching is now closed, but if you NEED a place or WANT a guest, text R' David at 206-715-3107 by EOD on Tuesday 4/4.
Let those of us our doors as able to interwoven, inclusive community this Passover. We invite you to participate in strengthening the network of progressive Jews in Seattle by:
- Inviting in others to your home (or the home of your family and friends), for Passover seder on 2ndst night, Thursday, April 6th. If you have even one extra seat at your table, please let it be known so that indeed, all who are hungry may come and eat and partake in the work of our collective liberation. We hope to be able to offer a diversity of seder experiences - in many neighborhoods (Kadima members span Bellingham to Tacoma and Vashon to Kirkland, currently!), with various degrees of young-people inclusion, ADA accessibility, pets and no pets, dietary restrictions, and political/haggaddah flavors.
- Signing up to be hosted at a Passover seder in a Kadima member's home, on 2nd night, Thursday, April 6th.
Form not best for sending what you need to tell us? Email [email protected] and we will address it there.
Conversion Support Space
Fri, Apr 7, 12n - 1pm on zoom
A space for those interested in or in the process of conversion to Jewishness to learn with and from one another. Hosted by Rabbi David to support your process. Open space available every two months for group processing and learning.
Kadima Community Brunch Seder (hybrid)
Sat, Apr 8, 10am-12:30pm at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy
Kadima’s Passover seder goes “brunch-time” this year as we delve into repair and liberation, honoring the Torah reading for Passover Day 3 (when it falls on Shabbat). In an intergenerational setting (for in every generation…), join Kadima folks of all ages to honor and celebrate the defining narrative of our peoplehood: the Exodus - liberation from the narrow place(s). Discuss the power of repair and liberation with members of Kadima’s extended community, and enjoy the double liberation of Shabbat and Passover. There will be opportunities for large-group and more intimate settings; there will be a sensory-friendly hybrid location as well. Bring a VEGETARIAN potluck lunch item (if you can) without wheat, spelt, barley, oats, and rye (matzah is okay, no matter what it is made of!).
Chadesh Planning Meeting: Intergenerational & Identity-Kin Grief Wisdom (online only)
Sun, Apr 9, 10am - 11:30am
The organizers of our intergenerational and identity-kin connections gatherings will come together to discuss how and when to facilitate a community discussion on grief that includes and honors a multi-generational perspective and aims to connect Kadima folks across Kadima-eras. While the Chadesh Partner team will be leading this meeting, any and all are welcome to join.
Team Yitro Community Care & Mutual Aid Learning & Organizing (online only)
Sun, Apr 9, 2pm - 3:30pm on zoom
Kadima's mutual aid workers and learners meet for our monthly session of learning, connecting, caring, and organizing. Join us - all are welcome to move into this work at any time.
So You're (Wanting to be) Having a Kadima B'Mitzvah (online only)
Tues, Apr 11, 12n - 1:15pm on zoom
A drop in/out space for current and/or prospective b'mitzvah students of all ages - young people, adults, current Kadima members and not-yet-Kadima members. Join R' David and learn from one another with all the questions and experience you bring. You'll get a run down of how Kadima b'mitzvah has worked and currently works and provide input for how it could still evolve as you ask, share, and learn.
Yizkor Memorial Service (online only)
Wed, Apr 12, 6pm - 7pm on zoom
Join R' David and others as we honor those who have died, bring comfort to one another, and mourn together. Come to help us make a minyan and to share your memories of those who have passed. Our Yizkor booklet is found here Yiskor.pdf
All weekly Torah learning sessions will meet as regularly scheduled during Passover:
Weekly Parsha/Torah Portion Study, Tuesdays, 3-3:45pm on zoom
Weekly Mishnah Berakhot (Blessing) Study, Wednesdays, 12-12:45pm on zoom
Weekly Mishneh Torah Laws of Mourning Study, Fridays, 9-9:30am on zoom
all levels of experience and ancestry honored and respected
*all zoom links on our online calendar
Ways To Prepare & Deepen
Learn more about a justice/liberation movements!
Find the right haggadah for you! Here is a list of Social Justice haggadot with thanks to Helen Bennett of Tzedek Lab for sharing! Here for a list of an assortment of haggadot, games, supplements, graphics with thanks to Jake Fawcett and another from Ariel Gross
Plan ahead for your Passover week! - During the week of Passover (4/15-4/23, expansively), maybe try to take some extra time for walks in the middle of the day, trim corners around start and end times, or schedule a meeting with a beloved colleague or friend to add some loving connecting to the week
Pick one thing! Don’t let Passover overwhelm or scare you off...find a thing and embrace it...maybe even lead you, your crew, or your community in it!
Dress up! Come to seder in a kittle, dressed as a character from the story, your Passover finest, or whatever makes you feel liberated!
Clean out your house! Even just a “Passover section”? See if you can keep an area of your living space chametz-free for the week!
Clean out your mind, body, and spirit! We all abide in not just a home, but our thoughts, our physicality, and our feelings.
Hide some matzah (afikomen)! From your dog? From your cat? From your kids? From yourself?
Order Flowers! from Local Hmong Flower Farmers or your favorite local farm to support
Put up a mezuzah! As a symbol that comes from the act of smearing blood on your doorposts to avoid the malakh ha-maweth/angel of death)
Find the right haggadah for you! Here is a list of Social Justice haggadot with thanks to Helen Bennett of Tzedek Lab for sharing! Here for a list of an assortment of haggadot, games, supplements, graphics with thanks to Jake Fawcett and another from Ariel Gross
Plan ahead for your Passover week! - During the week of Passover (4/15-4/23, expansively), maybe try to take some extra time for walks in the middle of the day, trim corners around start and end times, or schedule a meeting with a beloved colleague or friend to add some loving connecting to the week
Pick one thing! Don’t let Passover overwhelm or scare you off...find a thing and embrace it...maybe even lead you, your crew, or your community in it!
Dress up! Come to seder in a kittle, dressed as a character from the story, your Passover finest, or whatever makes you feel liberated!
Clean out your house! Even just a “Passover section”? See if you can keep an area of your living space chametz-free for the week!
Clean out your mind, body, and spirit! We all abide in not just a home, but our thoughts, our physicality, and our feelings.
Hide some matzah (afikomen)! From your dog? From your cat? From your kids? From yourself?
Order Flowers! from Local Hmong Flower Farmers or your favorite local farm to support
Put up a mezuzah! As a symbol that comes from the act of smearing blood on your doorposts to avoid the malakh ha-maweth/angel of death)