Now that we are at the new moon of Nisan and we experience the first budding trees around us, the ancient words of Rav Yehuda come to mind: “When a person goes out during the days of Nisan and sees trees that are in bloom, say ‘Blessed is the One whose world lacks nothing and who created in it good creations and good trees for the benefit of humanity.” (BT Berachot 43b). Not only might we be experiencing the sudden bursting of stored energy, but we are encouraged by our ancestors to pause and connect to gratitude and commune with the source of all life while we do. Try it this week?
Even, and maybe especially in a shmita year this is all the more miraculous and educational. I certainly need to remember that sometimes when we davka do no work, there is still productivity. Thank Go-dness for nature. And perhaps this is a lesson you, like I, can relish as we not only start Nisan, but Climate Non-Denial/ Awareness/ Advocacy/ Action/ Justice Month.
This month, look out for a Kadima Earth Day Passover Seder on April 22nd, a Climate Justice passover lunch and learn and connect on April 20th, an Amble with the Outdoors (and the Rabbi) this shabbat, and themes of nature and the climate during all shabbat services and programming this month. Join us as our potential turns kinetic in the month to come, and Chodesh Tov - may it be a good month!