Dear Community,
Our dear mads deshazo died on Wednesday night, January 25, 2023 / 4 Shvat 5783. May her memory be a blessing and may peace indeed and fully be upon her.
Our community grieves and mourns our loss among all those who mourn. May we be comforted and may we care for one another.
This news is still sinking in and we who write this are balancing active mourning and community support.
Below you will find gatherings over this next week hosted by Kadima to honor mads and be together. All are welcome. As mads would expect and ensure, all the following events are accessible, held either in an ADA accessible building and online, or wholly online. The resources shared below are offered to support us, and serve as a resource for others who wish to host gatherings as well.
Events & Gatherings
:: What is below will continue to evolve over the next few days, so look to Kadima’s calendar of events for the most up to date information, zoom links, and details ::
:: Masks are required at each below event attended in-person ::
Friday Night Candle Lighting & Kaddish (online)
Friday 1/27 (today) :: 4:45 - 5:30pm :: zoom here
Shiva Opening Open Mic Open to All (hybrid)
Saturday 1/28 :: 5 - 8pm :: Welcome Table Church & zoom here
Feel free to bring your own candles & havdalah tools
Shiva Open House Gathering (hybrid)
Sunday 1/29 :: 5 - 8pm :: Welcome Table Church & zoom here
Shiva Minyan (online)
Monday 1/30 :: 6:45-7:30 :: Hosted by Emmett Stanfield zoom here
Shiva & Jewish Art Making (hybrid)
Tuesday 1/31 :: 5-7pm :: Rainier Valley Leadership Academy & zoom here
In the spirit of mads’ creativity, love for painting, and facilitation of jewish art making, we will gather to remember mads and make art as she guided us to do. Bring any paper & art making supplies that speak to you.
Shiva Minyan (online)
Wednesday 2/1 :: 6:15-7:15 :: Hosted by Maia Brown, zoom here
Shiva Minyan (online)
Thursday 2/2 :: 6:45-7:30pm :: hosted by Tziporah Santos zoom here
Friday Night Candle Lighting & Kaddish (online)
Friday 2/3 :: 4:45 - 5:30pm :: zoom here
Shabbat Morning Service, Potluck Nosh, & End of Shiva Ritual (hybrid)
Saturday, 2/4 :: 10am - 1pm :: Rainier Valley Leadership Academy & zoom here
10a - 11:45a :: Shabbat morning service, no experience required, all are welcome, using Kadima liturgy
11:45a - 12p :: Closing Circle & Kiddush w/ Kadima School
12p - 1p :: Potluck Nosh & Closing Shiva Ritual (something akin to this, including ambling/rolling/walking around the building together on smooth and level pavement to mark the end of shiva and the transition into a next stage of mourning)
Community Care Resources
Trans Lifeline
- Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people
- (877) 565-8860
Crisis Connections – King County Crisis Hotline
- Provides immediate help to individuals, families, and friends of people in emotional crisis. Hotline for anyone in King County concerned about the mental health of themself or another. Links Seattle-King County residents to emergency mental health services. Can provide local referrals, assessment and advice regarding next steps. Can refer to Crisis Support for evaluation for involuntary detention or hospitalization if needed. Does not provide mobile intervention but can refer to outside mobile provider – that provider’s response may include police.
- King County: (206) 461-3222 (24/7)
- Statewide: 711 or 1 (866) 4-CRISIS (24/7)
The Healing Center
- At The Healing Center, we create space for people experiencing loss to share memories, learnings, challenges, and even laughter. Healing is not linear; our programs are designed to support you in your grief process.
Jewish Mourning Resources
5782 High Holidays Supplement, curated by mads and includes her liturgy and poetry
Kaddish Podcast by R’ Ariana Katz
Jewish Mourning by MyJewishLearning
Mourning & Bereavement by
Miriam’s Kitchen on Shiva & Jewish Women’s Traditions by Elizabeth Ehrlich
- We love you mads playlist (curated by friends of mads)
- Late gen x/millenial guilty pleasures (curated by mads for Kadima after a new member mingle)
- Well of Souls (sung by mads and Laura Moss)
- Beauty (sung by mads and Laura Moss, by Nomy Lamm)
- Babas Song (sung by mads and Laura Moss)
- Olam Chesed Yibane
Offerings in honor of mads & Jewish women’s grieving rituals by Rabbi Noam Lerman:
ווען דער קלאָגער רופֿט * When the Wailer Calls Out * Ven Der Kloger Ruft *
You don’t shame a broken heart,
You witness pain from the one who laments,
And when the wailer calls out, you listen closely
A tsebrokhen harts tustu nisht farshemen(4x),
Du zest di payn fun di vos yomern (2x)
Un ven der kloger ruft tustu im derheren
אַ צובּראָכען האַרץ טוסטו נישׁט פֿאַרשעמען (4x),
דו זעסט די פּײַן פֿון די וואָס יאָמערן(2x),
און ווען דער קלאָגער רופֿט טוסטו אים דערהערען
Shas tkhine Rav Peninim. Tekhine Teshuva, Tefila, Tsedukah, Published in 1916 in NYC by the Hebrew Publishing Company. p. 162. Melody and translation by Noam Lerman