District 1!
[A]ttention all you voters...Hatzlichah Na!
[B]allots are in the mail...Hoshiah Na!
[C]all your friends and family...Hatzlichah Na!
[D]on't delay participation...Hoshiah Na!
District 2!
[E]lect those who will not bow...Hatzlichah Na!
[F]ight for justice no matter who wins...Hoshiah Na!
[G]et out the vote in your neighborhood...Hatzlichah Na!
[H]old electeds accountable...Hoshiah Na!
District 3!
[I]nform yourself of the issues...Hatzlichah Na!
[J]ust don't vote and think we're done...Hoshiah Na!
District 4!
[K]ey us for true democracy...Hatzlichah Na!
[L]imit corporate spending...Hoshiah Na!
[M]agnify our voices...Hatzlichah Na!
[N]ot giving up or despairing...Hoshiah Na!
District 5!
[O]pen us to our neighbors...Hatzlichah Na!
[P]ut your money where your mouth is...Hoshiah Na!
[Q]uestion donor sources...Hatzlichah Na!
[R]un for city council yourself...Hoshiah Na!
District 6!
[S]triving for our dreams...Hatzlichah Na!
[T]ruth and justice to prevail...Hoshiah Na!
[U]ltimately, revela/ution...Hatzlichah Na!
[V]ictory for justice...Hoshiah Na!
District 7!
[W]hy not keep on dancing...Hatzlichah Na!
[X]ylophones not bombs...Hoshiah Na!
[Y]outh voices in the process...Hatzlichah Na!
[Z]ero non-participation...Hoshiah Na!
We then proceeded to unroll the entire Torah in the sanctuary and read from the end of Deutoronomy and beginning of Bereisheet!