Episode ג
...As the new moon of Adar was readying to show themself, the Grinsh was determined to keep joy from the House of Miriam and the Children of Dinah (us). Recently having acquired a goyishe space laser, the Grinsh googled “Jewish Organizations” and, feeling lucky, the Grinsh found his target. He set a plan in motion to fire the laser at the National Association of Presidents of Jewish Organizations Led By White Rich Able Bodied Straight Cis Men (NAPJOLB-WRABSCM, or NAPJO for short). [Little did the Grinsh know of how the House of Miriam and the Children of Dinah had been building alternative structures for over 40 years.]
The ministering angels brought intelligence to Kode-ma, the Wise and the Glorious. Unapologetically ready to fight antisemitism no matter which Jews were the target, though having recently made a decision to stop protecting cis men from other men, Kode-ma was tempted to let them figure it out for themselves. The Peoplehoods would not let her, though, but how? She thought of her elders, and she thought of her children’s children (metaphorically), and she realized, as Masechet Ooga says: “...cake is for eating. But cake is not for just one [achat] to make, when everyone [kol achat] can make cake. Certainly not when that one [achat] is an elder femme.
So she organized and she delegated, like Abu Tziporah had taught the husband of Tziporah. The House of Miriam and the Children of Dinah were soon moved to action, meticulous with the laws of purity to protect the health of the Peoplehoods and the Neighborhoods, for disease can strike at any time (ptu, ptu, ptu). They knew in their bones that while first they came for the NAPJO, certainly there would be others to follow.
So they baked and they maked [this is the Geogroup treat delivered to their neighbors on 2/27 in the afternoon hours], and they prepared for when they will have shaked [this is the Community Powered Purim Party on 2/27 from 7:30-10pm].
And, because the House of Miriam and the Children of Dinah were a fabulously fabulous bunch, they hiddur’ed their mitzvah seeking out costumes and decorating their masks, making signs and great sights. They were feeling hopeful, despite hearing of the Grinsh’s plan, hoping their actions could make a difference.
Would the Kode-ma’s organizing thwart the Grinsh in time? Would the men of the NAPJO discover how to liberate themselves? Would the House of Miriam and the Children of Dinah discover the power of their own homes as Jewish bakeries and makeries?
Stay tuned next week to find out. [And join for kabbalat shabbat and Chadesh in the meantime!] Shavua tov!