Adar (ya know, the month Purim is the 14th or 15th [or sometimes the 16th] of depending on the wall, how shabbat falls...yada, yada)...anyway, where was I...oh yeah: Adar is coming! And with it my friends, it is said, our joy is to increase (🎵mi’she mi’she mi’she mi’she, mi’she mi’she mi’she mi’she mi’she nichnas adar!🎵 - sing it to any tune or try out this medley featuring a Canadian in a bathrobe)
“Oh yeah?! Joy will never come!” said the Grinsh (he was the famous Grinch’s third cousin, once removed, and that side of the family spelled it differently). “I will not let you be joyful! See! I have brought you my favorite casserole: pandemic white supremacy surprise!” Try to increase your joy with that in the oven!
Just then, the Jewish people heard a rumbling from down deep. Or was it from above. Or was it beside them. Or inside? Well, my point is, they heard a rumbling. Okay?! Something rumbled. Okay. Where was I. Yes, a rumbling from down deep...and the earth began to shake. And the rain started to pour, and the bare trees began to wave…
“Yyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh,” growled a voice from the depths. “Joooooooooooyyyyyyyy shall be ouuuuuurrrrrrsssss. We shall make the most delicious of treats to combat the nasty smell of your putrid mix.”
Where did that voice come from? It couldn’t be, right? There’s no way they survived…….could they have? But then, it could only be...the great and mighty resilient spiritual wounded healer warrior: Kode-ma (they/them or she/her are both fine). We will be joyous and we will bake and we will make and we will shake.
Kode-ma continued: “Send your favorite Purim recipes to the wise and powerful Mollie at [email protected] by 2/10 to include them in a book of Purim recipe offerings to share with the House of Miriam and the Children of Dinah (ya know, Kadima). For we shall feast and we shall eat and we shall use up all the chametz we have stored [to get an early start on Passover cleaning]! Yes! Victory shall be ours!!!!!!”
And thus, the Peoplehood and Neighborhoods of the Jews were stirred and the cooking websites were bookmarked and the pages of abuela’s recipe book were reopened. And the Jews (yes you) prepared for Purim…
Megillah Reading - Thu, Feb 25, 6-7:30pm
Purim Neighborhood Treat Drop Offs - Sat, Feb 27 - afternoon
Purim Party! - Sat, Feb 27, 7:30-10pm
[Stay tuned for more exciting installments between now and Purim that both entertain and inform - your entries are welcome in the ongoing tale of Kode-ma and the Grinsh. Submit your own fan fiction or illustration to [email protected]]
Read episode ג here